Directors #10


In 1977, Camp Maqua  was still operating as the co-ed Camp Maquois,and Ken Dike assumed the position as camp director. He had been the program director at Camp Iroquois on Sand Lake under director David Bast, and was only twenty-two years old, but had a great resume.

He had already accumulated seven years in camping and four years in directorships at Camp Nelson and Camp Oakes in California on the waterfront and in programming. He had always worked in co-ed camps until his position at Camp Iroquois on Sand Lake.

“The initial offer was for only six months with the possibility of a full time job after that,” said Ken. “I was offered the full time position with the YMCA during the off-season and the camp in the summer. That offer was made because of the initial success of the summer of making a profit of $1,500. It was my choice not to accept it and go back to grad school.”

Ken’s background included a childhood in Chicago and a B.S. in Recreation from George Williams College and a Masters in Environmental Education and Administration. Ken was engaged at the time he directed  Camp Maquois and his fiancé had a full time position at a YMCA in Illinois.

The hut directly out the front door of the lodge (west side), was his home for the summer, with a single bed and his office. Three staff members from Camp Iroquois and six from Maqua were part of his staff from the previous year.

Rhonda Thayer, at least from my perspective, knew a lot about the operations and knew what she needed to do in her position in the business office. I had an assistant, Joe Liberati, who was three years older and wanted to do things his way, but never threatened to quit,” said Ken. “He had been the program director at Iroquois in 1976.”

“Our cook was local and she was a great cook, but I lost ten pounds that summer,” he laughed. “I was so disappointed when I had to go back to cooking my own meals again. Mary Stark was the waterfront director and had been the program director before me at Iroquois.”

Margaret Meakin was the final director of “Camp Maquois”, but there are no records in the archives with anything relating to her year.

Do any campers or staff have memories of the last two directors of the camp? If so, please post in the comment section!

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