“Camp Maqua Revisited”

Over the years-and there’ve been many since then, At least once a summer I reminisce when, My friends and I would pack up our trunks, and come to this place and Pick out our bunks. “What do you want” bottom or the top? Nobody really cared, We were there, up for the dare, And ready […]

Work Weekends At Camp–

Yearly inspections were mandated by the state of Michigan, and many of the reports indicated nothing but excellent comments and ratings. Caretakers, committee members and volunteers worked tirelessly to keep the camp in good shape. Notes in the camp committee minutes outlined many trips scheduled in the spring before each session to work on maintenance. […]

Post-Camp Clean-Up–

A copy of the revised edition of the “Notes Regarding Closing Camp Maqua” for the season, dated 1954 and updated from August 1950, listed the elements required to successfully close up camp. The surplus food, that was unopened and would not keep until the following season, had to be returned. The kitchen had to be […]

Pre-camp Staff Training

There were no records of pre-camp directives in the files until the sixties, when reports were left in the files of the Bay City YWCA, so it is unclear whether the same type of schedule was used for previous years. Alice Bishop’s first period in 1961 as camp director began with pre-camp training sessions on […]