Eek! Snakes! Lizards!

The girls either learned to have an appreciation for snakes or they left camp still hating them. Maureen Moore (1968-70) learned to appreciate snakes during her trips to the nature hut, but, some girls played with them at camp and later developed a fear, like Karen Magidsohn (1965) or Barb Krohn (1970-72), who just avoided […]

Strays and Pets—

Chipmunks—those cute little critters that scamper around the camp like little adorable pets—but can create such damage! Randi Wynne-Parry was totally obsessed with them while she was camping 1969-73, and still owns her fuzzy, faded photos of the chipmunks she fed. Chipmunks would find their way into the huts and create havoc. “One morning we […]

Wild Things–

Aside from checking your shoes for Daddy Long Legs, swatting mosquitoes, ducking bees and wasps, hearing the Loons, observing fish and knowing a leech would find you at least once during your camping sessions, there were other wild things that were expected and some not so expected! Zoe McGrath had been a member of the […]

Camping With Critters

  What would camping be without mosquitoes, spiders, frogs, and other creepy crawlies? There were numerous tales of bites and sightings that scared little girls to death, especially in the dark, as they walked to use the “Brownie”. Marsha Immerman can still smell the “612” insect repellent from the forties’ and fifties’. Sisters Marcia and Kathleen […]

Nature Directors 1970-71

When Joan McKinney arrived in 1970, she took an inventory of the nature hut (Dutton) and its equipment, cleaned it and readied during her pre-camp. She described the surroundings as central to all the cabins and by the water, with a front screened-in porch that faced the water. She kept her reptiles and amphibians there, plus […]

Nature Director-1968

Audrey Delcourt  was a first-year biology major at Albion College in 1968 and had a few classes in her field when she was hired as the Nature Director. She had relatives in northern Michigan, and had often gone up to Oscoda. She saw the sign as she passed through Hale, and her Mom wrote the camp […]