“Camp Maqua Revisited”

IMG_5796Over the years-and there’ve been many since then, At least once a summer I reminisce when, My friends and I would pack up our trunks, and come to this place and Pick out our bunks. “What do you want” bottom or the top? Nobody really cared, We were there, up for the dare, And ready for fun–nonstop! Revelry in the morning—raising the flag, and maybe a bra or 2, Then choosing of activities, Oh soooo many, What’s a girl to do? Arts & Crafts, canoeing, or maybe learn to shoot a gun, Swims in the lake, (don’t forget the buddy system) or stepping on a snake, Or riding a horse, and the singing of course. WHATEVER you chose–it was FUN! I never minded the food too much, I’ll eat pretty much anything to this day, But I do remember a food fight HAHA Much to the directors dismay. The infirmary, the brownie, nature hut and yes, camp store, Our cabin with the little shelf, that held our toothpaste and more, Thad we’d use, when we found an empty space to write our names upon the Rafters, A reminder to all, that we were here, And to all who would come soon after. But the Lodge was my most favorite place, with the cookies and if lucky–mail, And everywhere you looked a smiling face—attached to a pig or pony tail. That place where we got our bellies fed, Sang silly songs that got stuck in our head, Then reluctantly trounced off to bed—Taps and giggled until the last goodnight was said…..Then did it all over again. These are just some snip its of my Camp Maqua memories, With a big heartfelt THANK You to Kathy for allowing this possibility, to go back in time–once again. <3 Written by Ann Niegarth Laskowski as she returned for the Centennial Reunion

One thought on ““Camp Maqua Revisited”

  1. Sascha Immerman

    Just reading this brought memories back. The love for Maqua then and now,so many years later, is really amazing! Thanks, Ann. And Huge Thanks to Kathy for making all this happen! Sascha

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