Summertime @ Camp Maqua

Our kids wait all year for summer to arrive on Loon Lake to make new memories for their kids. It is not an easy flight with two daughters and their families living in California. The drive is long for two sons residing in Florida, but flights are plentiful. This airline industry, staff shortages, gas prices, […]


Our daughter Brooke and husband Gage parted ways with us this morning and are camping with San Francisco friends on the south rim of the Grand Canyon. I have to say I had tears in my eyes, not only because I could not hug her goodbye, but it has been seven months since we saw […]


I should have written the blog yesterday, but instead, I watched the debates. What an embarrassment. Thankfully, it was eclipsed by a wonderful last-minute meet-up outside Salt Lake CIty by daughter Brooke and her husband Gage, who drove from San Francisco until 1:00 in the morning to join us for the great park tour. I […]

Silver Burners–Saying Goodbye

My little buddy and I were surprised on the last day to feel extremely sad to be leaving port-a-johns, dust, extreme heat and air mattresses behind. We felt bad that we could not set up our camp “Nailed It’ with Brooke, Gage and their friends. They worked tremendously hard to make sure the camp was […]

Silver Burners–Acting Like Kids

I wasn’t expecting a gigantic playground of art I could climb or a hallucinogenic Dr. Suess movie, nor was I expecting A Mad Max movie, but it was all that and more in my desert experience. The first night of my arrival, Gage and Brooke took me to the Thunderdome, which was straight out of […]