Merry Variant Christmas 2021!

I am sure we all thought the Covid virus would be in the rearview mirror by the time we headed into 2022, but it is beginning to look a lot like a Merry Variant Christmas. Like an atom that keeps on splitting, the world is cautiously on watch once more for the mutations that threaten […]

Archival Albums

How many of us have dusty old albums from our family tucked away with photos undated, faces not named and places not revealed? I can remember the first time I had access to the Camp Maqua archives in 2011. I was so excited to see the oldest ones from the early twenties, with dates and […]

End of Summer

The leaves are turning, but we won’t be here to see the brilliant fall foliage as we head to Florida for the winter the long way. (Down the east coast from Maine, hopefully with peak color.) What a wonderful summer with just the right amount of sun and rain, company, and downtime. Our partner in […]

A Piece Of History

For the girls’ who camped at Maqua, the boys’ camp across the lake was a constant lure of excitement. The stories were legend of attempts to meet the boys in the middle of the lake, and to conjure pranks between the two camps was as fun as the socials that were held for the counselors. […]

Independence Day on Loon Lake

How many celebrations must have occurred on Loon Lake over the years with campers from the generations before us–years of traditions celebrating our independence–during the war years of the forties and sixties–mixed feelings of patriotism with fear for loved ones serving overseas? This year is no different, with many of our friends and relatives in […]

Open The Doors and Windows!

Summer is here, spreading a fine layer of pine pollen on my newly cleaned surfaces, as I attempt to clean the lodge porches. Eight weeks post-op for a radial head replacement on my elbow after a fall, I am cleaning and opening up as a one-armed bandit. Weeding the perennial garden is daunting, but two […]