Hunts, Captures and Elves–

The A-Z Scavenger Hunt in 1947 utilized a paper bag, white paper and a crayon with the directions for collecting items from nature with each letter of the alphabet. (Usually q,u, x, y and z were difficult, ( “But to my amazement,”  noted the “Loon”,”Cabin B did get all of them!~ Many of the girls […]

Programs and Activities 1947

The “Loon” captured the types of activities the campers enjoyed in 1947, but the older scrapbooks had wonderful photos of young campers dressed in gauzy scarves, with fun activities from the twenties’ and thirties’. The “Evening Program” section started out on Wednesday with games. Paired by twos and armed with slips of paper with articles […]

Pow-Wows and Events Under Toni Young

Special events included Worldwide Fellowship, which was celebrated in the first session in conjunction with the 4th of July. On Sunday at the Chapel Hill vespers and services, the series would begin. It was a day set aside for friendship and fellowship on a state and local level. There was a traditional picnic, but the girls […]

Program Director–Toni Young

Activity night, cabin night, skits, puppet shows, scavenger hunts, themed parties, races and plays embodied Camp Maqua’s reputation as a happy camp. Program and activity directors were selected for their ability to encompass that fun into programs the girls could enjoy every night of their session. Toni Young was the only program director whose report […]