Taking Aim—

“Archery is becoming a nationwide, popular sport and for this reason is enjoyed by most of the campers,” wrote Nan O’Tool in the July 11,1950 edition of the “Loon”. “With good coaching and practice, campers can become expert Robinhoods.” In 1969, beautiful bows were on loan from Bear Archery Co in Grayling. and Barb Grey […]

Sports and Staff–

Some years were better than others for staff, and the sports section at Camp Maqua was not immune to the ups and downs of hiring qualified counselors for tennis, archery and riflery. In one of the directors reports in the sixties’, Dorthe Balaskas wrote that sports was a let down, as she felt they had so […]


Sports at camp consisted of tennis, archery, riflery and games. In the sixties, the archery field was located directly east of the main lodge; the badminton and volleyball field were to the left of the drive that led to the Infirmary; the baseball field and riding ring were located up the road from the archery. […]