Tripping Down The River

“One of our canoe trips from Mio to Grayling was spent in a tornado warning,” said Susie Utter, who was a CIT in the fifties. “We went to the banks of the river where it was lower and more protected, and it poured. We looked and saw whatever was holding all the Kotex pads had […]

Beware and Be Aware!

The elements, the wildlife, other campers on the river and unforeseen circumstances forced campers and counselors to remain on guard at all times. But, adventures were adventures, and unexpected incidents occurred, which were handled as they arose. Some were fun, some were funny and some were dangerous, but all were memorable. “My most vivid memory […]

Floating Food and Bug Sandwiches–

“I can remember piling eight kids and two staff members into an open truck with all the food and supplies and they would drop us off at Rollways. I look back now that I am a Mom and think—there were no cellphones, no place to contact anyone in an emergency, “ said Laurie Cone, (1962-68) […]