Staffing During the Fifties

The directors during the fifties included Dorothy Jane Dickey (1950-52), Kathleen Geerlings (1953), Janet Adams (1954), Kathleen Dillinger (1955-58), and Shirley Rausch (1959). Unfortunately, no directors’ reports were found in the YWCA pertaining to their years on staff. Often it was difficult to find staff that could leave their families behind if they were married. […]

Staffing During the Depression and War Years

While camping before the Depression and World War II was seen as a way for young people to extend their skills and extend their education, it evolved from a middle class activity to a summer program for all economic levels. Camping grew during the years after 1945 and parents encouraged their children to return to […]

Staffing in the Thirties

Minutes from the camp committee began on April 1, 1932 and discussed hiring a lifeguard. The Camp Maqua (Loon Lake) property had been operating for less than ten years with waterfront activities. Four males were in contention for the lifeguard position, and Mr. Francis Barnett was hired from the pool of five applicants. “…after a […]