Hear Our Voices! #2

Session one in 1949 posted an article about a newly organized council. “For many years there has been in existence a council composed of camper representatives, but this year the two councils have worked cooperatively on many problems,” it stated. The council first periods was composed of Lucille Harding, Jerry Fleming, Helen Hasty, Nan Lipscott and Bertie Van Welt, and represented a […]

Hear Our Voices! #1

The overall condition and set up of the camp season differed from year to year according to the needs of the campers and staff. Each director came in with new ideas, the camp committee meetings entertained and implemented best practices according to the financial situation and staff they hired and for the most part Maqua […]

Wants And Needs–

The upkeep of the buildings on the property were vitally important from a safety standpoint. Trees that grew too close to the buildings had to be removed when the branches and roots interfered with the tile fields or roofing. The roofs of the lodge, brownie and bunkhouses were a constant item of repair. Storms caused […]

Donors And Volunteers–

Without the donors and volunteers, camp would have never survived. Camp committee minutes in the fifties included references to roof and hut repairs, toilet seats, kitchen necessities and a new cook stove. A washing machine had been donated to the camp in 1954, but “another list of wants and needs was to be posted on […]